Monday, September 15, 2008

Why am I doing this?

Anyone reading this blog might wonder why I am doing this. Sure, its not fun to lose $1300+ but its not the end of the world, and there are people with much more pressing issues in Vancouver. The issue is no longer just about the money, but more importantly the rights of the citizen versus the police and City Hall.

It is not acceptable that City Employees and Managers cannot be accountable for their actions. It is not acceptable that they can be allowed to neglect and abuse proper due process. It is very dangerous when police can take destructive action against a citizen and their property and hide behind Risk Management at City Hall, their employer. Every citizen, if they have a negative encounter with employees of the City has a full right to a clear and unbiased investigation of their claim, and even more importantly, clear and documented evidence behind any decision. This has not been the case with Risk Management and the City of Vancouver.

In my case, I pointed out several very specific inconcistencies in the police actions, and to date City Hall has refused to address them. One of the people at Risk Management told me " I spoke to the Costables and they are upstanding officers" Oh, I guess in that case I should just ignore the evidence and thank them for breaking down my door!

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