Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Judy Rogers loves the Coalition debacle

I am sure that Judy Rogers loves the current National Coalition Debacle taking place in Ottawa. It takes the fiasco at Vancouver City Hall of the front page, not that she would answer any questions the media or public might have.

Its very sad that here in Vancouver, you still see a few comments here and there about the $100 Million Loan and Estelle Lo fiasco, but for the most part, they got away with it. I guess we get the government we deserve. Haven't heard a peep on this matter lately from Mayor Elect Gregor Robertson, or the new City Council. (other than slimy requests to deny Estelle Lo her severance)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get rid of judy Mr. Robertson. I voted for you because I believe you do not suffer fools but, if she is still her in 3 I'll cast my vote differently. It'll be worth the severance package; she is old and of an obsolete mind set.
