Friday, November 28, 2008

City Council & Judy Rogers throw Estelle Lo under the bus

It seems that the current City Council, or at least some of its members will stop at nothing in order to deflect attention and blame for the $100 Million Loan fiasco. See David Cadmans comments below (Ed. I fully support the 2010 Olympics and would even have supported the $100 Million Loan if it was public and transparent)

On a separate matter, Cadman also said that he has written a letter to city manager Judy Rogers stating that he's assuming there has been no discussion of a severance package for Estelle Lo, who recently resigned as the city's chief financial officer. "When people resign, they don't get a severance package," Cadman said.

Did anyone ever think that she was forced out because she may have had issues with the $100 Million Loan? Judy Rogers withheld information on her resignation till after the election, with or without the knowledge of City Council. (I tend to beleive that it was with the knowledge of the Council who did not want anyone to rain on their parade with the Millenium Project)

How could the Director of Finance resign on October 17th and Council not know about it till after the election when it was released on November 6th? If Council did in fact not know of this resignation, then Judy Rogers should be taken to task for withholding this key information from Council and the Public.

City Council is acting against the interests of taxpayers by focusing on who leaked the information of the loan and who leaked the swipe card information instead of focusing on why the Director of Finance resigned and why it was supposedly withheld from Council and certainly withheld from the Public.

Estelle Lo served the City of Vancouver for 10 years and this is how she is treated? (Ed. I do not know Estelle and have no connection to her whatsoever)

As the recent Alan Garr article in the Vancouver Courier stated
"Managers say Rogers has created the "most toxic workplace" they've ever experienced." It seems that City Council is acting in the same manner.



Anonymous said...

"When people resign, they don't get a severance package,"

Mr. Cadman's statement that resignations don't come with severance packages seems to be unequivocal.

Can we be sure though that Ms. Lo and Ms. Rogers did not negotiate a package before she resigned? The public has a right to know.

Anonymous said...

The Globe and Mail's Gary Mason says Estelle Lo received a severence package of one year's salary - approx. $220,000. He also notes that the deal would have included the standard gag order.
