Monday, October 20, 2008

So Peter Ladner is running for Mayor?

I wrote to Peter Ladner a few days ago about my experiences with the city and the problems I had. I always thought highly of him, as I had seen what a great job he did with Business in Vancouver.

I never did get a response. I think I know why. If he is elected Mayor, he is going to have to kowtow to Judy Rogers, just like all the other Mayors do, so he does not want to get involved in anything that might upset her. If this means that a citizens rights get thrown under the bus, so be it.


Anonymous said...

I'm strongly supporting Peter Ladner for Mayor. He's been very busy campaigning, on top of all his usual responsibilities as City Councillor and as a husband and father, that the more reasonable explanation is that he is simply just behind in replying to all his emails in a timely manner.

Unknown said...

Please forward your concerns to and I will make sure Peter Ladner receives them.
