Thursday, October 23, 2008

This is taken from the Letter to Citizens by Judy Rogers in City of Vancovuer 2007 Annual Report. Obviously, this part is a load of crap!

She told me not to contact the city, and they refuse to provide me with evidence or documentation behind their decisions. So much for accessible and accountable!

Letter from the City Manager
The work we do everyday at the City of
Vancouver is focussed on common goals.
While we often talk generally about building
and maintaining a livable city, how we achieve
this depends on channelling our work through
our basic objectives. We work to: establish an

accessible and accountable city;

Judy Rogers
City Manager

In that same report, with the picture of the City Council, the Values are stated as follows:

Responsiveness: To listen to all the people
we work with and serve and to act in a timely
and sensitive way. (Nope)
Excellence: To strive for the best results.
Fairness: To apply unbiased judgement and
sensitivity. (Nope)
Integrity: To be open and honest and to
honour our commitments. (Nope)
Leadership: To set examples that others
will choose to follow.
Learning: To increase knowledge and
understanding in the workplace and in
the community and to grow through our
successes and our mistakes.

Other than Raymond Louie contacting me once regarding this matter, none of the other Council members have responded or taken any action.

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