Monday, November 17, 2008

Estelle Lo "Resigns"

Did she resign or was she pushed to resign and by whom? This stinks, which is no surprise given what we see at City Hall. Of course they witheld this till after the election. Interesting that now Judy Rogers is sending out the email to Councillers and Staff but could not be bothered to face the public when the leak of the $100 Million loan came out, and instead sent Jody Andrews out to face the fire.

Update: Did anyone notice that the resignation email sent by Estelle was after the notice of her resignation sent by Judy Rogers?
Judy's email: Sent: Mon Nov 17 09:06:07 2008
Estelle's Email: Sent: Mon Nov 17 09:13:33 2008

I guess since we know that Estelle actually resigned on October 29th, these emails were just a charade.

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