Friday, November 14, 2008

Why Vote when Judy Rogers runs the city anyway?

I am a strong believer in utilizing your vote in a democracy. This time, however, I am quite disillusioned about the municipal votes in Vancovuer.

Till recently, I thought that Peter Ladner would get my vote for the next Mayor. Aside from the fact that he never once bothered to respond to email I sent him, the shennigans with the $100 Million "loan" to Millenium bother me a lot. Not so much that they loaned the money, but that they not only tried to keep it secret, but talk about getting the police on whoever did the public a favor whether that was their intention or not. I just don't like Peters talk about how the negotiations had to be secret or we would be in a bad position. Everyone knew about the cost overruns on the project, it was public information. Everyone knew of the softening real estate market. The Developer needed the money, what kind of leverage would they have?

This attitude suggests that all of us taxpayers are idiots who don't understand whats going on.

Beyond all the people asking for our vote, what difference would it really make? They will still raise property taxes, and we will still have the same problems we have with the current administration. I can guarantee it. Worse, nothing changes in the real seat of power, the unelected City Managers office. This is the entity that Vancouverites deal with. I want to know what those running for office plan to do to ensure that City Hall is accountable to citizens of Vancouver.

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