Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why is Vancouver City Manager Office not being investigated?

If Vancouver was a Public Corporation, which in a sense it is, and information about a resignation of the top Finance official was witheld from the shareholders/public prior to a major company event, there would be a criminal investigation. Yet, in this case, the City is using its employees, the police, to "investigate" the source of the leak of information that the public needed to know. This is what a police state does.

Since Judy Rogers is the City Manager and she is the one that announced the resignation of Estelle Lo, one can assume that she was also the one to whom the resignation was tendered. Yet, despite the fact that an election was coming up, and news of the $100 Million loan had already been made public, this information was witheld from the public till after the election. We are also led to beleive that it was witheld from City Council as Peter Ladner and others claimed to have no knowledge of her status. I wonder what was done to keep Estelle quiet about her resignation till after the election. When you are handing out $100 Million of taxpayer money in secret, whats a few dollars to keep it quiet. I assume Vancouverites will never know the details of the severance package.

Its surprising to me that her office is not being scrutinized closer in this whole affair, especially since she is also on the board of VANOC. I guess she knows too many secrets and where the skeletons are buried. Even the media has not cast any questions in this direction.

See a good article by Gary Mason of the Globe and Mail here: Globe

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