Monday, November 3, 2008

Vancouver Taxpayers pay City Lawyers to fight them

Did you know that the Legal Department of the City of Vancouver has a budget of $4.5 Million, of which 90% is salaries and benefits? They have 7 litigators , 9 solicitors, 10 Legal Assistants, and about 12-13 others not including the Senior Managers. About 43 people total!!!!

So we the taxpayers, as in my case, pay to allow these people to fight us when we have an issue with a decision by they City that we feel is incorrect. Is that crazy? So, if a citizen has an issue with a $1000.00 claim from the city, given all these people and the above average salaries and benefits they would get, the costs to the taxpayers would spiral out of control very quickly. I am 100% positive that the costs in my case have probably been higher than 10 times as much as my claim.

Who reviews what this department does, and how they do it? Who makes sure that their budget is properly spent to the benefit of the Citizens of Vancouver? No one, it seems.

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